Cost Control

We have developed a cost control process to enable us to provide clients with the most detailed and accurate information to assist them to make major project decisions. Our team performs several quality control processes to ensure our estimate was developed using the correct criteria and assumptions before the draft estimate is delivered. As part of our estimating process, we build a comprehensive value engineering list for your consideration. Once the draft estimate is released and reviewed, we can provide value management and reconciliation services as needed.

Image showing a graph for continuous estimating

Milestone Kickoff

Continuous Estimating provides a monthly update and continuous monitoring as the design develops between major design milestones.

Image showing a graph for continuous estimating

Allows owners, architects, and consultants to clarify their project parameters, expectations, and requirements through a face-to-face meeting or by conference/phone call.

Graphic Analyzer

Confirms in an easy to read color format that the building gross floor areas, components, and program breakdown are lining up where anticipated.

Image of how cost models work

Elemental Estimating Process

  1. elemental document provides a systems approach to estimating
  2. beneficial for compiling costs like MEP systems and architectural enclosure
  3. all estimates provide a breakdown by line item description and a summary by element
  4. extensive internal review process for accuracy and scope through a three step review process
  5. format breakdown is your choice - common examples are uniformat, CSI master format, and bid package breakdown

Image showing a graph for parallel estimating

Real Time Reconciliation

  1. we facilitate a consensus driven reconciliation process
  2. side-by-side comparison with construction manager estimate
  3. real-time tracking shows current adjustments to the estimates and to the bottom line with every decision made collaboratively by the team
  4. detailed estimate changes are tracked by division so all variances are reconciled and understood
  5. fully reconciled estimates are achieved in a 1-2 day working session with results delivered on a USB key

Image showing a typical program estimating layout

Back on Budget Cycle

  1. value management session, which typically occurs alongside reconciliation, identifies the scope of work that is in line with the project requirements and anticipated budget
  2. detailed report of all cost suggestions (accepted, pending, and rejected)

Image showing a our target value model

Milestone Estimate

At every significant project milestone from Preliminary Design through to Contract Documents, we perform another iteration of Milestone Estimating Cycles. The six steps in this tested and proven cycle enable us to provide the most detailed and accurate estimates for our clients. Each Milestone Estimating Cycle includes:

  1. final estimate summarizes the adjustments of the real time reconciliation and back on budget sessions at the end of each design phase
  2. provides the basis for proceeding to the next design milestone
  3. continuous support and availability for your questions during the milestone estimating cycle is included
Image showing a our Value Optimization

Final Analysis

  1. final analysis allows us to evaluate not only our success factors, but all factors critical to the successful completion of our client’s projects
  2. we perform a detailed bid comparison with the final tendered document
  3. our estimates fall within five percent of bids nineteen times out of twenty

Image of our program analysis layout

Cost Control

We have developed a cost control process to enable us to provide clients with the most detailed and accurate information to assist them to make major project decisions. Our team performs several quality control processes to ensure our estimate was developed using the correct criteria and assumptions before the draft estimate is delivered. As part of our estimating process, we build a comprehensive value engineering list for your consideration. Once the draft estimate is released and reviewed, we can provide value management and reconciliation services as needed.

Image showing a graph for continuous estimating
Milestone Kickoff
Cost Models
milestone kickoff

Allows owners, architects, and consultants to clarify their project parameters, expectations, and requirements through a face-to-face meeting or by conference/phone call.